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The 2022 @NPCWomensworkshop was a place to learn, but more than that, it was a place to grow and connect. It was women supporting women to be their best. It will be memories that fuel champions. In this video Sandy Williamson and Whitney Jones tell you all about it!
If you didn’t get a chance to attend, you can still experience this incredible weekend by visiting and watch the entire workshop for free.
The @npcwomensworkshop was led Sandy Williamson, Bernadette Galvan, Mo Newman, Becky Clawson & Etila Santiago @rockfit @marieannnewman @fitprobecky @etila
There were tons of IFBB Pro League competitors on the panel and 9 @mrolympiallc champions that comprised 27 Olympia titles!
-8-time Ms. Olympia Lenda Murray
-5-time Figure Olympia Cydney Gillon @vytamin_c
-3-time Fitness Olympia Whitney Jones @whitneyjones_ifbbpro
-3-time Bikini Olympia Ashley Kaltwasser @ashleykfit
-2-time Ms. Olympia Andrea Shaw @mzprettymuscle
-2-time Fitness Olympia Missy Truscott @ifbbmissytruscott
-2-time Figure Olympia Latorya Watts @latoryawatts
-Bikini Olympia Janet Layug @janetlayug
-Bikini Olympia Jennifer Dorie @jenniferdorie_ifbbpro
📺The entire workshop at @centerpodiumTV
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